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1 如何从nuget包中访问控制器内的参数化方法? - How do I access a parameterized method inside a controller from a nuget package?
2014年12月12 - I have a nuget package which contains an MVC controller - MyController which has a method MethodWithStringParameter(string a) and another method Metho
2 将项添加到Visual Studio上下文菜单 - Adding Items to Visual Studio Context Menu
2009年07月15 - I'd like to add an item into the Visual Studio 2008 context menu exactly how ASP.NET MVC projects have "Add View" or "Add Controller" items in the con
3 Validation.RequireField:CS0117:'System.Web.Helpers.Validation'不包含'RequireField'的定义 - Validation.RequireField:CS0117: 'System.Web.Helpers.Validation' d
2013年11月18 - i create an mvc4 webpage2 razor web project and when i use Validation.RequireField it gives me this error but when i create new website it works fine.
4 MVC URL路由无法正常工作 - MVC URL routing is not working
2013年06月16 - This is my Global.asax , all I want to map another url format to controller and action. 这是我的Global.asax,我想将另一个url格式映射到控制器和动作。 //Matching to a
5 为什么我的随机数html扩展方法返回相同的值? - Why is my random number html extension method returning the same values?
2009年07月08 - We are giving a demo in a couple days and I have to go in and mock-up a lot of our views. This includes making a lot of fake data, etc. I figured I wo
6 如何构建中型MVC应用程序 - How to architect a mid sized MVC application
2009年06月29 - I am working on creating an MVC application for an existing Bug tracker of sorts, ASP.net Web site. 我正在为现有的Bug跟踪器ASP.net网站创建一个MVC应用程序。 I am used to p
7 在ASP中维护html片段的最佳方式。NET MVC返回ajax调用 - the best way to maintain html snippets in ASP.NET MVC to return in ajax calls
2012年01月23 - i'm looking for a best practices type answer here. basically i have a very chatty application which will be returning bits of data to the client very
8 .NET Console应用程序连接字符串转换 - .NET Console Application Connection String Transformation
2018年03月27 - I have just split my app into a web app and a console application webjob, I got the console application connected with my machines database through ad
9 Jquery函数对函数参数不起作用 - Jquery Functions does not work on function parameter
2016年03月12 - I have a jquery function which receives a parameter from it callers. Calling split() on the parameter throws error. Here is the function 我有一个jquery函数,
10 首先使用EF代码更新多个到多个集合 - Updating a many to many collection with EF code first
2012年09月16 - I'm using EF Code First with the following configuration 我使用EF Code First进行以下配置 protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

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