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首先在MySQL数据库上使用EF代码进行格式错误的迁移 - malformed migrations using EF code first on a MySQL Database
2015年05月13 - I am building an application using C , .NET . , EF Code First, MySQL. 我正在使用C ,.NET . ,EF Code First,
具有业务层和DAL的WPF架构 - WPF Architecture with Business Layer and DAL
2014年12月02 - Im starting a new application in WPF and I want it to have a good architecture so that it can be mai
获取实体框架中的特定列 - Getting Specific Columns in Entity Framework
2011年11月28 - I would like to get the list of users from the database, but I want only columns instead of all it h
如何在.NET Core中实现DbContext连接字符串? - How can I implement DbContext Connection String in .NET Core?
2016年08月10 - My situation is quite similar to this link or at least my code is similar and I am trying to find a
为特定应用程序建模实体 - 实体框架 - Modeling entities for specific applications - Entity Framework
2009年07月10 - I have applications: 我有 个申请: Manager UI Which should be able to create a user with all its fields us
Emit DbContext.OnModelCreating每个上下文创建 - Emit DbContext.OnModelCreating on every context creation
2015年05月07 - I use entity framework code first to work with my database. I have several tables with different nam
使用.NET Async / Await与Entity Framework 6.0多次调用同一数据库? - Use .NET Async/Await with multiple calls to th
2018年03月27 - I m maintaining an ASP.NET website on .NET . . that displays some fairly extensive information using
代码首先生成的数据库在sql server中看不到,但它的行为就好像它已经被创建了一样 - code first generated database cannot be seen in sql se
2015年06月03 - I have a WCF which makes call to my EF. I have made the WCF my start up project and one of the servi
有什么理由把POCOs变成模型对象吗? - Is there any reason to make POCOs into Model objects?
2011年03月29 - If I am generating POCO objects from EntityFramework, and using these to go to from the WCF server,
IronPython实体框架6找不到属性在哪里 - IronPython entity framwork 6 Could not find attribute where
2015年06月20 - I have successfully integrated entity framework into my project. I m also able to read data from a t

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