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1 ForeignKey(User,unique = True)与OneToOneField [duplicate]之间的区别 - Difference between ForeignKey(User, unique=True) and OneToOneField [duplicate]
2012年03月30 - This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案: What's the difference between django OneToOneField and ForeignKey? 6 answers dj
2 Django项目中的每个应用程序都有自己的数据库表集吗?如果是,这些表可以共享吗? - Does each application in a Django project has its own set of database tables? If yes, can these tables be
2013年03月13 - Each Django app makes its own database tables Is it possible to share these database tables amongst various Django apps? 每个Django应用程序都有自己的数据库表,是否可能在不同
3 我们可以在Django 1.8中重新打包和打破多个类和包中的模型吗? - Can we repackage and break models in multiple classes and packages in Django 1.8?
2015年07月15 - Since I am a beginner in Django and Python world and I am currently trying to make a real project in it Django but being a java programmer by heart an
4 在Django模型中保存时自动生成图像字段 - Autopopulate Imagefield in a Django model upon saving
2011年03月13 - I currently have this: 我现在: class youtube_video(models.Model): video_url = models.CharField(max_length=150,blank=True, validators=[RegexValidator(
5 当它是一个包时,南方不会识别模型 - South does not recognize models when it is a package
2010年09月19 - I use South for schema and data migraton for my Django site. I'm happy about using it. One day I converted models.py file to models/__init__py and put
6 在Django的模板中,如何获得模型的对象计数? - How can I get the object count for a model in Django's templates?
2010年08月03 - I'm my Django application I'm fetching all the objects for a particular model like so: 我是Django应用程序,我正在获取特定模型的所有对象,比如: secs = Sections.objects.filter
7 如何包含指向子模型的formsets中引用的父模型的指针? - How to include pointers to the parent models referenced in formsets of child models?
2013年06月12 - I have a formset that relates to a model that uses multi-table model inheritance. I'm getting the following error when the form is submitted: 我有一个与使用多
8 Django:保存模型时填充用户ID - Django: Populate user ID when saving a model
2009年05月14 - I have a model with a created_by field that is linked to the standard Django User model. I need to automatically populate this with the ID of the curr
9 django如何在多个概要文件中使用AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE ? - django how to use AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE with multiple profiles?
2011年02月09 - Assuming I have different profiles for different user types - staff, teacher,students: 假设我对不同的用户类型有不同的配置——员工、老师、学生: How do I specify AUTH_PROFILE_MOD
10 Basic Django - 视图包装器如何接收请求,关键字和位置参数? - Basic Django - How do view wrappers receive the request, keyword and positional arguments?
2010年02月19 - In chapter 8 of the Django book there is an example showing a fundamental view wrap method, which receives another view method passed in from any sing

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