为什么我使用Spring Cache在Service中有缓存未命中

[英]Why I have cache misses in Service using Spring Cache

I have configured my cache as follows:


public class CacheConfig {

    @Bean(name = "caffeineCachingProvider")
    public CachingProvider caffeineCachingProvider() {
        return Caching.getCachingProvider("com.github.benmanes.caffeine.jcache.spi.CaffeineCachingProvider");

    @Bean(name = "caffeineCacheManager")
    public JCacheCacheManager getSpringCacheManager() {
        CacheManager cacheManager = caffeineCachingProvider().getCacheManager();
        CaffeineConfiguration<String, List<Product>> caffeineConfiguration = new CaffeineConfiguration<>();
        caffeineConfiguration.setExpiryPolicyFactory(FactoryBuilder.factoryOf(new AccessedExpiryPolicy(new Duration(TimeUnit.MINUTES, 60))));
        cacheManager.createCache("informerCache", caffeineConfiguration);
        return new JCacheCacheManager(cacheManager);

Also I have the @Service that uses it in following way:


public class InformerService {

    @CacheResult(cacheName = "informerCache")
    public List<Product> getProducts(@CacheKey String category, @CacheKey String countrySign, @CacheKey long townId) throws Exception {
        // do some work

So I have the next behavior.


  1. When I'm calling the service method first time it takes 5 seconds then doing some work as expected.
  2. 当我第一次调用服务方法时需要5秒钟,然后按预期进行一些工作。
  3. Calling method the second time with same parameters - > caching works -> returns result immediately
  4. 第二次使用相同参数调用方法 - >缓存工作 - >立即返回结果
  5. Calling the third time with same parameters again results in Thread.sleep
  6. 再次使用相同参数调用第三次会导致Thread.sleep

And all over again.


How to solve this ? Is that the issue about proxying ? What did I miss ?

怎么解决这个?这是关于代理的问题吗?我错过了什么 ?

1 个解决方案



As discussed in the comments, this was a bug in the JCache adapter. Thank you for letting me know about this problem. I released version 2.1.0 which includes this fix. That release also includes friendlier initial settings for CaffeineConfiguration which you identified in another post.


While the core library is heavily tested, the JCache adapters relied too heavily on the JSR's TCK (test compatibility kit). Unfortunately that test suite isn't very effective, so I added tests to help avoid these types of mistakes in the future.


This issue only occurred in JCache because its version of expiration is not supported by Caffeine's core library. Caffeine prefers to use an O(1) design that eagerly cleans up expired entries by using fixed durations. JCache uses per-entry lazy expiration and the specification authors assume a capacity constraint is used to eventually discard expired entries. I added a warning to the documentation about this feature, as it could be error prone. While none of the other JCache implementations go beyond this, a pending task is to decide on a mechanism to help mitigate this JCache design flaw.

此问题仅发生在JCache中,因为Caffeine的核心库不支持其过期版本。咖啡因更喜欢使用O(1)设计,该设计通过使用固定的持续时间来急切地清理过期的条目。 JCache使用每个条目的延迟到期,并且规范作者假设容量约束用于最终丢弃过期的条目。我在文档中添加了有关此功能的警告,因为它可能容易出错。虽然其他JCache实现都没有超出此范围,但一项待定任务是决定一种机制来帮助缓解这种JCache设计缺陷。

Thanks again for reporting this issue. As always, feel free to reach out if you have any other issues or feedback to share.





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