验证由jQuery UI DatePicker生成的日期范围

[英]Validating Date Range Produced By jQuery UI DatePicker

I am using the date picker provided by jQuery UI to select a date range that ends up in a single text input with something like 11/11/2008 - 12/05/2008. What would you recommend as far a validation (jQuery/JavaScript) on the client side as well as code for validation on the server side (ASP.NET/C#) to make sure the user enters valid dates?

我正在使用jQuery UI提供的日期选择器来选择最终在单个文本输入中的日期范围,例如11/11/2008 - 12/05/2008。您建议客户端验证(jQuery / JavaScript)以及服务器端验证代码(ASP.NET / C#)以确保用户输入有效日期?

Note I asked a question on Stack Overflow the other day about how to parse out the two dates using C# if your interested.

注意我前几天就Stack Overflow问了一个关于如何使用C#解析两个日期的问题。

2 个解决方案



CustomValidator. Should be fairly simple to split these into two separate dates, parse each, and compare as necessary to verify the range is correct.




You can compare Dates with javascript fairly easily, just convert inputs to Date objects, and then any comparator would work. I use Date.js, as it has an excellent parser. On the backend, I would assume that you can do the same thing, the key is to convert all your objects to the same type, and one that can be compared to another.





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