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在rspec中将字符串与正则表达式进行比较?` - Compare string to regex in rspec?`
2014年08月18 - I was doing 我在做 expect(@link.url_address == 'abc').to be_true but url_address might have other te
设计:iOS“添加到主屏幕” - Devise: iOS “Add to Home Screen”
2015年08月17 - When I open my web app on my iOS device, login and restart Safari, I am still logged in. 当我在iOS设备上打开
Rails 4.1强制ActionMailer返回其他值 - Rails 4.1 Force ActionMailer to return other value
2015年08月06 - how to i can force to return another value in ActionMailer method. Example: 如何强制返回ActionMailer方法中的另一
Rails 4删除嵌套属性,可用于创建,但不能用于编辑/更新 - Rails 4 deleting nested attributes, works on create but not on edit
2014年07月05 - So I'm working from this Railscast. 我在轨道广播公司工作。 And I'm aware that there have been some changes in
如何在响应到达URL时自动保存JSON响应数据? - How to save JSON response data automatically when the response hits the U
2015年05月04 - I send a request to third party URL. After they receive my request, they send a response to my URL.
在Rails 4中生成样式表和javascript文件的列表或路径。 - Generating list or paths of stylesheets and javascript files in
2014年08月26 - I'm writing a Rails4 app that uses a custom cache manifest file which needs to include references to
CanCan对load_and_authorize_resource的解释 - CanCan explanation of load_and_authorize_resource
2015年06月15 - I would know how the load_and_authorize_resource works inside. I searched the github page Link and t
使用Devise Gem自定义密码保存 - Custom Password Saving with Devise Gem
2014年08月19 - I have a form to edit user's profile. Im using device gem for login and other stuffs. 我有一个表单来编辑用户的个人
Ruby on rails scaffold模型验证问题 - Ruby on rails scaffold model validation questions
2014年12月02 - I am trying to follow a ruby on rails scaffold example. 我试图在rails scaffold示例上遵循ruby。 I am using rub
如何从下拉列表中选择某些内容时隐藏文本字段。 - How to show hide a text field when something is selected from a drop down.
2015年03月17 - My question is, if I select something in my drop down like ABS when ABS is selected how can I have a

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