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如何使用RSpec在对象上添加多个should_receive期望? - How can I add multiple should_receive expectations
2008年10月28 - RSpec expectations so I can test that it is creating the correct number with the correct parameters. So
为什么这个简单的RSpec字符串相等规范失败? - Why does this simple RSpec string equality spec fail?
2012年03月19 - Given this class: 鉴于这类: class First def to_s ; "Hello World" ; end end and this spec: 这规格: req
rspec中将字符串与正则表达式进行比较?` - Compare string to regex in rspec?`
2014年08月18 - I was doing 我在做 expect(@link.url_address == 'abc').to be_true but url_address might have other te
Spork不会在lib中重新加载文件 - Spork won't reload file in lib
2011年08月27 - I'm running rspec with spork and I can't get a file in lib to reload on consecutive rspec runs. I
在每种方法后检测Rspec测试失败 - Detect Rspec test failure on after each method
2011年08月11 - I am trying to run an RSpec test, and I want to detect if the test failed in the after method. I
有没有一种简单的方法将第一个参数传递给Rspec的“describe”? - Is there a simple way to get the first argument passed
2012年11月21 - Suppose I have a test suite where I start by giving describe a constant: 假设我有一个测试套件,我以描述一个常数开始: des
Capybara测试失败,因为无法找到元素 - Capybara test failing because element can not be found
2017年07月07 - I am writing a RSpec Capybara test for a Rails 5 application. My application is for students
如何在RSpec中读取BigDecimal格式? - How to read BigDecimal format in RSpec?
2013年10月06 - After running my RSpec tests I frequently get output like this: 运行我的RSpec测试后,我经常得到如下输出: expected
Rspec:在路由规范中添加一些头请求 - Rspec: add some header requests inside routing specs
2012年07月11 - 且@request为nil);我真的不明白该怎么做。 I'm on Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.6 and rspec-rails 2.11.0. Thanks. 我使用的是Ruby 1.9.3
Guard + spork + Rspec问题 - 如何删除Test :: Unit的钩子? - Guard + spork + Rspec issue - How do I remove
2013年02月09 - :: Unit的钩子? Error Message: 16:31:58 - INFO - Starting Spork for RSpec, Test::Unit Using RSpec Preloading

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