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自助托管Web API的正确方法是什么? - What is the right way to self-host a Web API?
2013年12月13 - I m not asking for a best practice advice since there are numerous blog posts and tutorials about th
Asp.net web api与autofac和Hangfire - Asp.net web api with autofac and Hangfire
2015年05月06 - I recently upgraded to a new version of Hangfire and I am struggeling trying to setup my webapi with
configureauth这个名称不存在 - the name configureauth does not exist
2015年05月06 - i m trying this tutorial http: httpjunkie.com adding mvc identity to an existing project but is show
使用依赖项注入时,未注册IUserTokenProvider - No IUserTokenProvider is registered when using dependency injection
2015年05月27 - I got an error when my method is call. I configured autofac with owin identity. 调用
使用MVC应用程序中的Kentor Auth服务库将Google作为身份提供者(IDP)实施? - Implement Google as a identity provider(IDP) using
2016年06月08 - Hi i am using kentor auth services The Kentor Authentication services is a library that adds SAML P
ASP.NET没有魔法——ASP.NET OAuth、jwt、OpenID Connect
2018年01月23 - 上一篇文章介绍了OAuth . 以及如何使用.Net来实现基于OAuth的身份验证,本文是对上一篇文章的补充,主要是介绍OAuth与Jwt以及OpenID Connect之间的关系与区别。 本文主要内
处置Microsoft.Owin.Hosting.WebApp会抛出'System.ObjectDisposedException' - Disposing
2014年04月10 - We have a self hosted SignalR server in our WPF application. The WebApp gets started on application
WebApi上的AngularJS和OWIN认证 - AngularJS and OWIN Authentication on WebApi
2014年06月27 - I have implemented OWIN token based authentication on my WebApi, I have also enabled CORS
Asp.net 2.0身份,ConfirmEmailAsync()获取无效令牌 - Asp.net 2.0 Identity, ConfirmEmailAsync() getting Invalid
2015年05月07 - I trying to confirm user s email using Asp.net Identity . . As suggested by few blogs I ve put machi
ASP.Net MVC替代登录身份 - ASP.Net MVC Alternative Login to identity
2015年08月08 - After reading tutorials and trying out, I have found login with Identity is convoluted, inflexible w

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