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1 JAGS中拟合多变量dirlichet模型 - Fitting a multivariate dirlichet model in JAGS for R
2018年03月02 - I am trying to fit a a multivariate model to species composition data using JAGS, implemented in R. I have data on 3 species relative abundances
2 将WinBUGS模型转换为JAGS(使用R) - Translating WinBUGS model to JAGS (using R)
2016年11月24 - in JAGS with: 我想让它以一种简单的方式运行: library(rjags) txt <- 'model { for (i in 1:N) { wtp[i] ~ dweib(r[G[i]], mu[i])T(lower[i
3 R中绘制多元逻辑回归模型的结果。 - Plot the results of a multivariate logistic regression model in R
2012年07月02 - I would like to plot the results of a multivariate logistic regression analysis (GLM) for a specific independent variables adjusted (i.e. independent
4 拟合多项式模型到R中的数据。 - Fitting polynomial model to data in R
2010年09月29 - 怎么做呢? Additionally, can R help me to find the best fitting model? 另外,R能帮我找到最合适的模型吗?
5 R中拟合线性回归模型。 - Fitting a linear regression model in R
2014年10月13 - variable. To reach the best model, I try "all" relevant combinations of independent variables in order to maximize my adjusted R^2. However, this is a lot
6 贝叶斯集锦:RJAGS的交互
2014年11月08 - 里存放的是模型参数。- 适应和编译reg.mod <- jags.model( file = "F:/R/reg.jag",data = reg.dat,n.chains = 3,inits = reg.ini, n.adapt = 2000 )###Compiling model
7 贝叶斯集锦:RJAGS的交互
2014年11月08 - 里存放的是模型参数。- 适应和编译reg.mod <- jags.model( file = "F:/R/reg.jag",data = reg.dat,n.chains = 3,inits = reg.ini, n.adapt = 2000 )###Compiling model
8 在python中拟合multivariate curve_fit - fitting multivariate curve_fit in python
2013年12月25 - I'm trying to fit a simple function to two arrays of independent data in python. I understand that I need to bunch the data for my independent variabl
9 R语言Multivariate Statistics (多元统计)
2015年10月26 - 网址: http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Multivariate.html 维护人员:Paul Hewson 版本:2008-02-08 翻译:R
10 R fitting R语言数据拟合总结
2015年07月17 - model-fitting commands covered on this page are:lm (linear models for fixed effects)lme (linear models for mixed effects)glm (generalized linear models)nls

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