
[英]How can I shuffle a bidimensional array in VBscript?

I need to shuffle a bidimensional array in vbscript, someone told me that I can use newid() in the sql query, but I'm not using sql server. I'm seeing over the web something about LBound and UBound, but don't understand very much. Can someone help me understand or tell me the best way to do it? Thanks in advance. This is my code so far.

我需要在vbscript中随机播放一个二维数组,有人告诉我,我可以在sql查询中使用newid(),但我没有使用sql server。我在网上看到有关LBound和UBound的一些内容,但不太了解。有人可以帮我理解或告诉我最好的方法吗?提前致谢。到目前为止这是我的代码。

sql = "SELECT * FROM Questions"

recordset.Open sql, connection

If Not recordset.EOF Then
    nQuestions = recordset.RecordCount
    questions = recordset.GetRows(nQuestions, 0)
    If IsArray(questions) Then
    End If
End If

1 个解决方案



To answer the part of your question relating to UBound and LBound:


LBound and UBound are the lower and upper bounds of the array. You specify two arguments, the array name and the dimension that you want to count, for instance:


Dim myArr(10, 8)
Dim firstDim, secondDim
firstDim = UBound(myArr, 1)  ' The 1 here requests the size of the first dimension of the array
secondDim = UBound(myArr, 2) '... and this, the second.

Here, firstDim will hold the size of the first dimension of your array (i.e. 10), and secondDim the second (i.e. 8).


Obviously LBound works for the lowest dimension, though is only really used for arrays with a base other than the usual zero (possibly from COM objects).


-- EDIT --

- 编辑 -

To expand this further, you can get around this using a function in Access, but it does slow the process dramatically.


You'll need to create a query to select your data. Select the table that contains your questions. Drop all of the columns you need for your questions into the grid at the bottom. In the Field box in the right most column of the grid type something like:


randomiser: Rnd([questionId])

(Obviously questionId being the unique id of the questions).


This will give you a list of questions with a random number (from 0 to 1) in the last column. Now change the sort order for this column to Ascending, and you can also add a TOP clause to the query to give you a specific number of questions.


Because an argument is specified for each row in the Rnd function it must execute every time, unlike simply putting Rnd(). Notice, also, if you run the query and click into one of the randomised fields the number changes.


One thing to bear in mind here is that if you have an empty (NULL) value in one of the fields the sort will fail.




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