Download ActiveMQ 5.15.3 Today!

今天下载ActiveMQ 5.15.3 !

Apache ActiveMQ ™ is the most popular and powerful open source messaging and Integration Patterns server.

Apache ActiveMQ是最流行、最强大的开源消息传递和集成模式服务器。

Apache ActiveMQ is fast, supports many Cross Language Clients and Protocols, comes with easy to use Enterprise Integration Patterns and many advanced features while fully supporting JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4. Apache ActiveMQ is released under the Apache 2.0 License

Apache ActiveMQ非常快,它支持许多跨语言客户端和协议,在完全支持JMS 1.1和J2EE 1.4的同时,可以轻松地使用企业集成模式和许多高级特性。Apache ActiveMQ是在Apache 2.0许可下发布的。

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  • Supports a variety of Cross Language Clients and Protocols from Java, C, C++, C#, Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP
    • OpenWire for high performance clients in Java, C, C++, C#
    • 在Java, C, c++, c#中为高性能客户提供OpenWire。
    • Stomp support so that clients can be written easily in C, Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP, ActionScript/Flash, Smalltalk to talk to ActiveMQ as well as any other popular Message Broker
    • Stomp支持使客户可以轻松地用C、Ruby、Perl、Python、PHP、ActionScript/Flash、Smalltalk来与ActiveMQ以及任何其他流行的Message Broker进行通信。
    • AMQP v1.0 support
    • AMQP v1.0支持
    • MQTT v3.1 support allowing for connections in an IoT environment.
    • MQTT v3.1支持在物联网环境中允许连接。
  • full support for the Enterprise Integration Patterns both in the JMS client and the Message Broker
  • 在JMS客户端和Message Broker中对企业集成模式进行全面支持。
  • Supports many advanced features such as Message Groups, Virtual Destinations, Wildcards and Composite Destinations
  • 支持许多高级特性,如消息组、虚拟目的地、通配符和复合目的地。
  • Fully supports JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4 with support for transient, persistent, transactional and XA messaging
  • 完全支持JMS 1.1和J2EE 1.4,支持临时、持久、事务性和XA消息传递。
  • Spring Support so that ActiveMQ can be easily embedded into Spring applications and configured using Spring's XML configuration mechanism
  • Spring支持使ActiveMQ可以很容易地嵌入到Spring应用程序中,并使用Spring的XML配置机制配置。
  • Tested inside popular J2EE servers such as TomEE, Geronimo, JBoss, GlassFish and WebLogic
    • Includes JCA 1.5 resource adaptors for inbound & outbound messaging so that ActiveMQ should auto-deploy in any J2EE 1.4 compliant server
    • 包括用于入站和出站消息的JCA 1.5资源适配器,以便ActiveMQ在任何符合J2EE 1.4规范的服务器上自动部署。
  • Supports pluggable transport protocols such as in-VM, TCP, SSL, NIO, UDP, multicast, JGroups and JXTA transports
  • 支持可插入传输协议,如:虚拟机、TCP、SSL、NIO、UDP、多播、JGroups和JXTA传输。
  • Supports very fast persistence using JDBC along with a high performance journal
  • 使用JDBC和高性能日志支持非常快的持久性。
  • Designed for high performance clustering, client-server, peer based communication
  • 设计用于高性能集群、客户机-服务器、基于对等的通信。
  • REST API to provide technology agnostic and language neutral web based API to messaging
  • REST API为消息传递提供技术无关性和语言中立的基于web的API。
  • Ajax to support web streaming support to web browsers using pure DHTML, allowing web browsers to be part of the messaging fabric
  • Ajax支持使用纯DHTML支持web浏览器,允许web浏览器成为消息传递结构的一部分。
  • CXF and Axis Support so that ActiveMQ can be easily dropped into either of these web service stacks to provide reliable messaging
  • CXF和Axis支持使得ActiveMQ可以很容易地插入到这些web服务栈中,以提供可靠的消息传递。
  • Can be used as an in memory JMS provider, ideal for unit testing JMS
  • 可以作为一个内存JMS提供者,理想的单元测试JMS ?



The ActiveMQ team is pleased to announce the release of ActiveMQ 5.15.3

ActiveMQ团队高兴地宣布ActiveMQ 5.15.3的发布。

A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.


We look forward to your feedback.


The ActiveMQ team is pleased to announce the release of ActiveMQ 5.15.2

ActiveMQ团队高兴地宣布ActiveMQ 5.15.2的发布。

A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.


We look forward to your feedback.


The ActiveMQ team is pleased to announce the release of ActiveMQ 5.15.0

ActiveMQ团队高兴地宣布ActiveMQ 5.15.0的发布。

A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.


We look forward to your feedback.


The ActiveMQ team is pleased to announce the release of ActiveMQ 5.14.5
A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.
We look forward to your feedback.

ActiveMQ团队很高兴地宣布ActiveMQ 5.14.5的发布,这要感谢所有参与此次发行的人。我们期待您的反馈。

The ActiveMQ team is pleased to announce the release of ActiveMQ 5.14.4

ActiveMQ团队高兴地宣布ActiveMQ 5.14.4的发布。

A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.


We look forward to your feedback.


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